
Zonta's anti-GBV campaign

The Zonta Club of Kathmandu, an international service organization with the mission of advancing the status of women, launched a campaign on...

How the climate crisis adds to child marriage in Nepal

As harvests fail due to drought and floods, girls from marginalised families are forced to marry earlier to escape poverty


She was more than a child helper turned child bride

Pratibha Tuladhar

Hunger for governance

Nepal has had one emergency heaped on top of another for more than a year now. The Covid-19 emergency, wildfires, and now floods.Political flux in...

Nepal child marriages spike during pandemic

Thirty child marriages took place in one municipality in Sarlahi District during the lockdown earlier this year. This startling fact highlights how girls...

Nepal child marriages spike during pandemic

Thirty child marriages took place in one municipality in Sarlahi District during the lockdown earlier this year. This startling fact highlights how girls...

Too young to marry

Mohan and Sarita (name changed) studied together in the same school from Grade 6 onwards. They were friends initially, but fell in...

Mixed picture for Nepal’s children

Nepal has made progress in most areas related to children, like health, education, street children welfare, but challenges remain in nutrition, child...

Sisterhood of students

Nepal has made significant progress in raising primary school enrolment, with more than 95% of boys and girls now attending school from...

Child marriage in Nepal: eloped at 13, mother by 17

Sita Pariyar is now 45, she has been married 30 years. Shanti BK married as a teen and is now 26. Asha...

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