Carbon-neutral Yeti

Yeti Airlines says it has become the first carbon-neutral airline in Nepal by reducing and offseting its greenhouse gas emissions after undertaking an independent carbon audit facilitated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The audit revealed that the airline produced 19,665 tons of CO2 equivalent in 2018, including from its flights, ground vehicles and other facilities. In the previous year the airline reduced its carbon emission by 20% per passenger and by a further 12% with more fuel-efficient aircraft. The airline inducted its fourth ATR72-500 this week, and expects another next month.

Yeti also offset its greenhouse gas emissions by procuring Certified Emission Reductions carbon credits through its green forests project. “UNDP would like to congratulate Yeti Airlines on becoming the first carbon neutral airline in Nepal after having successfully met the international UN approach on carbon neutrality,” said UNDP Nepal Representative Ayshanie Medagangoda-Labe.