Ramadan during the COVID-19 lockdown

Mohammad Jamshed Ansari and his son Mohammad Nurani Ansari pray in separate rooms on the first day of Ramadan. All photos: BIKRAM RAI

Mohammad Jamshed Ansari, 42, and his 17-year-old son Mohammad Nurani Ansari pray in separate rooms of their house in Kumaripati on the first day of Ramadan while Ansari's 16-year-old daughter Rejwani Khatoon reads the Quran in her room.

Normally after breaking their fast during the holy month of Ramadan, the Ansaris would go to the Kashmiri mosque at Bagbazar for a communal prayer. But with places of worship closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ramadan this year is a bit different for the Ansari family, and for other Muslims around the world.

Rejwani Khatoon reads the Quran inside her room.

Food laid out for the breaking of the daily fast. Worshippers fast from dawn until sunset during Ramadan
Jamshed Ansari offers prayers as he prepares to break his fast.