Nepali Times
No Prime Minister


A few years ago, I watched an episode of the British political satire Yes Prime Minister on Nepal TV. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Nepal TV decided to throw in a random episode of the series, but it never carried another installment to my knowledge. But that was okay; I still enjoyed the dry humour it offered for an hour. Yes Prime Minister followed the travails of the British PM, who muddled through his job, his incompetence covered up time and again by the guile and political astuteness of his advisors. The PM was endearingly confused, and at times, a complete fool. But he was there. He had a position that looked stable – at least on the surface.

A tragicomedy of bigger proportions has been unfolding in our country's politics. Far from having a confused and befuddled prime minister, we don't even have a legitimate PM. We've been carrying a national episode of No Prime Minister for months. What's worse, none of us seem to mind. Life goes on as usual. Our politicians are luxuriating in our general apathy. We don't hold them accountable and they're taking their time setting up meetings where they drink a few cups of chiya and pass time for an hour or so. Worse than not having a PM is not missing having a PM. But even when we did have a PM, he was as good as absent. I envy Mr Madhav Nepal. In his current position he can conveniently shirk major responsibilities while enjoying all the benefits. But maybe he always did that anyhow.

Going back to that lazy Sunday afternoon, I remember some wonderful moments. My mother made a plate of bhogate saadheko for me, which I enjoyed while savouring the show on TV. In the evening, I went for a stroll with some friends and we stopped at Everest Momo. We talked about work and had a good laugh over our colleagues and bosses. But when I tried to share some humour from Yes Prime Minister, my friends didn't see what was so funny about an incompetent prime minister. Didn't we have to deal with one in our day-to-day life? I didn't have to turn to a foreign program on TV for a reality check, did I? The mood turned a bit sour. One of my friends discarded half a plate of momo. How could I even find humour in such a situation anymore, he said.

I thought they were being a bit too sensitive back then. Today, I'm forced to concede they were probably right. It was no laughing matter. And those were the good old days. These days we don't even have a PM to laugh about.

Last resort, EDITORIAL
Whose festival is it anyway?, ARTHA BEED
A return to reason, BJORN LOMBORG

1. madhav
If you only want to laugh how are you bringing change? Maybe you should do something instead of joking around.

2. mero himal
mr. adiga, you're back at your sarcastic best, or maybe satire. one day you will likely have nice things to say about the county too. all the best.  

3. Bauji Uncle
Speaking of 'incompetence' one could say the same thing or rather 'Yes Speaker' about Sabhamukh of the CA Mr. Subhash Nembang.

4. Bimalda
Dear Ranju:
Well-drafted and a truer picture of then Nepal also depicted here, which is why being apathetic, we are becoming the laughing stock of the world. No body is serious enough, and then how are we going to write a new constitution, when we can not decide on our chief executive post. I also share the idea with Bauji uncle letter blaming all this to Speaker Nembang as well.

5. Nose Poker

Good sarcasm . I enjoyed reading it. Perhaps, we Nepalese are used to the incompetencies of our leaders. Not a good habit to fall into, but then we are already into the quick sand. Liked the visit to Everest Momo as well :-)

6. mero opinion
Bimalda: So you are related to the writer? Why should the whole world know about that. This is not a place to send emails, sir. But I agree that this is a well timed article.            

7. Anuj
3. Bauji Uncle; Mr. Subhash Nembang, CA speaker is the only "clean" personality that we have and can rely on. On the contrary, cunning "bajes" are trying to make fool of him !!!! Let us not forget, Dr. Harka Bdr Gurung had to face the similar kind of situation when he was in the ministry. Rest, judge by yourself.

8. thuldai
your friend discarded half plate of momo because he was upset over issue that did not concern him directly?? I agree that some folks do take country's political situation very personally--but for god's sake, who stops eating momo middle of the way for a reason such as this? but i guess some blokes ARE quite sensitive.  

(11 JAN 2013 - 17 JAN 2013)